Magento: Validation of new gTLDs

At this moment it is not possible to validate the new global domain names (gTLDs) in Magento. Neither it is possible to use the new domain names in frontend nor in backend. Magento uses the Zend validation classes which are outdated. You can patch the lib/Zend/Validate/Hostname.php class with the official ICANN list.

    protected $_validTlds = array(

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Sven Wappler

TYPO3 Experte, symfony, Magento, SEO, Frontend und Backend

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2 Antworten

  1. I’m using Magento community edition and have the same problem but I can’t find this file in my installation:

    Is there a different name for the community edition?


  2. Sven Wappler sagt:

    No, i’m using the community version too. The path lib/Zend/Validate/Hostname.php must be the same.

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