symfony 2: Asset directories default as symlinks
Add "symfony-assets-install": "symlink" to your composer.json file. Example: "extra": { "symfony-app-dir": "app", "symfony-web-dir": "web", "symfony-assets-install": "symlink" }
Einiges über TYPO3, symfony und Webentwicklung
Add "symfony-assets-install": "symlink" to your composer.json file. Example: "extra": { "symfony-app-dir": "app", "symfony-web-dir": "web", "symfony-assets-install": "symlink" }
You can use the {{ app.request.getSchemeAndHttpHost() }} command to get the current host and scheme.
Die Fehlermeldung Call to undefined method Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\DebugUniversalClassLoader::useIncludePath() nach einem Update kann man folgendermaßen beheben. Führe folgenden Befehl auf der höchsten Ebene deines Projektes aus: php vendor/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle/Resources/bin/build_bootstrap.php
Create application out of hello dir: ./console init:application Foo ../foo/ ../web/ Create bundle: ./console init:bundle Application/FooBundle