TYPO3: Fal image in flexform

The flexform XML structure looks like this:

                            <label>The image</label>
                                <foreign_types type="array">
                                    <numIndex index="0">
                                    <numIndex index="2">
                                    <fieldname>image</fieldname> <!-- This is the field name -->
                                <appearance type="array">
                                    <columns type="array">
                                        <uid_local type="array">
                                            <config type="array">
                                                <appearance type="array">
                                    <types type="array">
                                        <numIndex index="2">

The image can then be loaded in the controller.

        $filesProcessor = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\FilesProcessor::class);
        $image = $filesProcessor->process(
                'references.' => [
                    'fieldName' => 'image',
                    'table' => 'tt_content',
                'as' => 'image',

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Sven Wappler

TYPO3 Experte, symfony, Magento, SEO, Frontend und Backend

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